Friday, July 6, 2018

Welcome Annie Madison

Welcome Annie Madison! Born December 19, 2016 at 2:56pm, 9lbs 7 oz and 20 1/4 inches! 

Paul left for the first night to stay with Emma. So, he brought big sister, Emma in to meet Annie the next morning! It was to this day the sweetest memory of my life. She walked in so calmly and sweetly. She saw me holding Annie and just smiled and walked right over, hugged my arm and looked at her so sweetly. Due to the C-Section I needed to walk around the hospital wing, so we let Emma push Annie around and it was the cutest and best thing ever!!! 
I wish she could've stayed longer. 

I missed this sweet girl dearly. This hospital stay was much different and lonelier. (Sorry, my kids are good sleepers thanks to being bigger babies!) 

I think I knew this was my last pregnancy, so I needed one final pregnancy photo to cherish, even though I didn't enjoy being pregnant that much. I just enjoy the end and holding those babies! 

I had gestational diabetes with Annie, so I needed to be induced a week before her due date, hooray for no Christmas baby! ;) Her due date was December 26th! Emma's due date was December 21st, so I thought baby #2 would be early, nope! Monday, December 19th was my date to be induced. I was having a lot of pains the night before, so I thought she may come on her own, I was wrong. We got to the hospital and they didn't want to start inducing me until I spoke with the doctor. Paul and I left the house at 5:30am, so I ate a Luna bar, knowing I'd need some energy. Well, the doctor came and said due to the last ultra sound there was a chance she could be broad due to gestational diabetes, so if she got stuck at the shoulders, there was a chance she could break her collar bone or be paralyzed in her arm, so C-Section was mentioned. I was not happy about it and was completely anti-surgery, well just because that's me - freak out central account doctors, equipment, needles, etc! So, due to me having one Luna bar, we had to wait awhile before surgery, so 1pm was the time. Then the anxiety just got prolonged with surgery. They finally took me back just before 3. It today was a bit traumatizing to me. I can still feel the motion of him cutting me open, seeing the blood on the curtain (me and blood don't go well together, haha) and my arm was feeling numb, which started to freak me out. Some people think C-Sections are the way to go, but not me! Plus, not having Paul there for most of the time post delivery was difficult, because I had to rely on nurses more than I would've liked to due to the surgery. It was rather difficult to get Annie when she needed to be fed since I was alone and not supposed to get up for awhile, so I finally had the nurses take her to the nursery, because I'd rather someone bring her to me, then wait 15 plus minutes for the nurses to come get her for me while she cried the whole time. I didn't like listening to her cry and feel helpless. It helped motivate me to do all those hospital laps that I did post delivery! 

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